BACKGROUND: The goal of the exercise – End of GWM/WVL/GTP Project Evaluation- is to appraise the project in terms of performance and impact. This is with priority on assessing the project expected results, objectives and overall goal. Specifically, it is expected that:

a. The extent of the success of the activities would be assessed

b. The replicability of activities undertaken would be documented

c. Key lessons and potential practices would be teased out for learning

d. Areas for improvement or activities that do not work and must be left out would be recommended.

The purpose of this activity is for GWM to assess the continued relevance of the interventions and the progress made towards achieving its planned objectives. This will also provide an opportunity to make modifications for future undertakings. The independent evaluation will assess the project in terms of its effectiveness, relevance, efficiency, sustainability and impact, with emphasis on evaluating the project expected results, objectives and overall goal and to identify key lessons and potential practices for learning and sharing.


Scope: The end of project evaluation will assess the implementation and performance of the project by looking at the potential impact and sustainability of results. This includes contribution to capacity development to achieve effective integrated and environmentally sound management practice. The evaluation is expected to review the project´s progress with the main stakeholders.


Expected Outcome: The evaluation must provide evidence-based information that is credible, reliable and useful. The evaluator is expected to follow a participatory and consultative approach that ensures close engagement with other stakeholders and implementing partners. It is expected there would be close engagements, particularly with the Beneficiaries, Community Leaders, the Local Assembly, Schools and other officials. The evaluator is expected to conduct a field mission as well as telephone interviews in the Communities where the Project has developed activities in collaboration with stakeholders.

The evaluator will review all relevant sources of information, such as the project documents, which will include project budget, progress reports, monitoring tracking tools, project files and any other materials that the evaluator considers useful for her/his evidence-based assessment.

A list of documents that the project team will provide to the evaluator for review, will be submitted electronically.

The evaluation will be conducted as follows:

Evaluation Timeframe: The total duration of the evaluation will be 30 days, according to the following plan:


Activity No. of Days Details
Activity Timing Preparation 5 Time with GWM; Desk reviews
Evaluation Mission 10 Site visit: Danfa, Gbetsile, Dansoman
Draft Evaluation Report 10 Report writing
Final Report 5 Finalizing report

Implementation Arrangements: The main responsibility for managing this evaluation resides with the GWM Head Office Administration. GWM will contract the evaluator, ensure the timely provision of agreed resources and be responsible for liaising with the Evaluator to set up stakeholders’ interviews, arrange field visits and any necessary requirements.


The Evaluator must be prepared to take advantage of the Seasonal holidays to engage with project beneficiaries.

Deliverables: The evaluator is expected to deliver the following:

1. Deliverable Content Timeframe Responsibilities Inception Report – The Evaluator provides clarifications on timeframe and methodologies not later than 7 days before the evaluation mission.

2. Evaluator submits to GWM Draft Evaluation Full Report, with annexes with 3 weeks after the evaluation mission.

3. Evaluator submits to GWM the Final Evaluation Report within 1 week of receiving GWM comments on draft sent for uploading on GWM website. When submitting the final evaluation report, the evaluator is required also to provide an ´audit trail´, detailing comments that have/and have not been addressed in the final evaluation report.

Requirements: The evaluation will be performed by one evaluator. The consultant shall have prior experience in evaluating similar projects. Experience with financed projects is necessary. The evaluator selected should not have participated in the project preparation and/or implementation and should not have conflict of interest with project related activities.

The consultant must present the following qualifications:

  1. University degree in natural/environmental sciences, economics, administration or other related fields.
  2. Minimum 5 years of relevant professional experience evaluating development projects.
  3. Knowledge of UNDP and GEF Principles and Projects.
  4. Previous experience with results-based monitoring and evaluation methodologies.
  5. Technical knowledge in the targeted focal area(s).
  6. Project evaluation experiences.

Interested persons should contact GWM @ 054-627-1499 by 10th April, 2023.